ticketing policies


a message about the summer show
ubu for president

Special note: Our summer show, Ubu for President, is presented with free admission at John Hinkel Park. However, we do gratefully accept (and depend upon) donations.

You are free to make a pre-donation right now at the link below or you can make one at the amphitheatre. For our summer show, we offer reserved seating only to our Shotgun Members. All other seating is first-come, first-served. For information on a 3-show Membership go to this link.

If you would like to make a pre-donation, please read the policies below and click on "I agree."

If you are a subscriber, you can reserve your seats by clicking "I agree" below. Thanks!

Help for the hearing impaired: while Shotgun does not offer an assisted listening system, we are happy to arrange seating to aid any of our patrons who have special hearing needs. Please call our box office manager, Jonathan Kreuz, at 510.841.6500 x303 to arrange your seats.

Seating is offered on a first-come-first-served basis unless you are a Shotgun Member.


  Shotgun Players | 1901 Ashby Avenue | Berkeley, CA 94703 | 510-841-6500