the three musketeers

Blood Wedding
The Cryptogram
The Three Musketeers
The Shaker Chair



written by Alexandre Dumas
directed by Joanie McBrien

July 28 - September 9, 2007
Saturdays and Sundays only, 4pm (special performance Monday, 9/3)
**PLAYING IN JOHN HINKEL PARK** click for directions

Please bring a blanket, beach chair, or something to sit on!

The performance is FREE admission (with pass-the-hat after the show)! We are only reserving seats for subscribers

"Thousands of men will have to pay for my happiness with their lives but what of that?"

The young D'Artagnan arrives in Paris with a dream to join the famous musketeers. Within moments he finds himself challenged to three duels, involved in political intrigue and torn between devotion to a woman of honor and a mysterious seductress. Expect to see extraordinary swordplay matched by a battle of hearts and minds.

[main show page] [calendar] [cast & crew] [press release] [reviews]

Click here for photos of the show!





1901 Ashby Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94703

Shotgun Players